Thursday, September 9, 2010

Open Letter To Procrastination

Dear Procrastination,

You have visited me one too many times.  It seems you are always around when I need to go to the gym or finish a draft or read a book or do my laundry or organize my papers get my drift.  It's not that you're not fun to be around. I mean,  I like playing  Sudoku and Text Twist on the computer and watching reruns of Family Guy and skimming through old Oprah magazines searching for ways to live my best life. You help me fill my time with mindless tasks and then I get hungry. But I don't have any food in the refrigerator because you convinced me to hold off on buying groceries until my coupons come in the mail.  Honestly, Procrastination,  I just don't think you are good for me.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're all bad.  I am really good at Sudoku and my score at Text Twist is at its highest.  But the truth is I want more out of life and I feel as though you are holding me back.  It's obvious to me now that you are a saboteur.  I know you don't mean to be.  That's just your nature.  It hurts me to say this but it's over between us.  I've been meaning to tell you  this for quite some time but I kept putting it off. So it's goodbye Procrastination, goodbye.  I'm headed for the gym.




  1. I need to write a letter like this.

  2. Hey, I'm showing my procrastinator the door.......... but not until tomorrow :) hee hee
